Many kids and teens have asked how to be a part of Bunny Blessings and our brilliant bunnies finally put their furry heads together to come up with a genius plan: Introducing….. drumroll please…. the Bunny Blessings Junior Bunny Brigade and Teen Bunny Brigade!
A brigade is a small troop on a mission and our Junior and Teen Bunny Brigades are hopping up to the challenge to serve and care for others by supporting our nonprofit ministry.
While members of the Junior and Teen Bunny Brigades will certainly have a good time in our program, they will also be learning the importance of responsible animal care and how to serve their community. They will understand more about therapy animals, how to help people who may be sick, sad, tired and lonely, and also how to discover their own unique gifts to love other people. Children and teens will make crafts that will be delivered to residents at assisted living facilities and nursing homes. They will discover ways to help financially provide for our bunnies and ministry visits. We aim to help a younger generation turn their focus from themselves to those around them.
Junior Bunny Brigade is for ages 5-12.
Teen Bunny Brigade is for ages 13-17.Teen Bunny Brigade can meet monthly at the Bunny Barn to learn about bunny care, bunny handling and to do a bunny care shift or other projects around the barn. This is a great time to earn community service hours. Enrolling in Teen Bunny Brigade is the same as Junior Bunny Brigade with the exception of offering monthly bunny care shifts instead of quarterly.
There is a $25 fee for a 1 year Junior & Teen Bunny Brigade memberships which offers:
One free t-shirt
An invitation to attend one Bunny Brigade event at the Bunny Barn each quarter (Teen meeting is monthly) which includes interactions with the bunnies, helping with projects at the Bunny Barn, learning about bunny care and preparing crafts to share with others. Activities will be age appropriate.
Enlisting as a Bunny Blessings monthly sponsor- minimum $5 per month- child/teen is encouraged to earn through chores, lemonade stands, birthday fundraising, etc. For $25 a month they may “adopt” a bunny. Click this link to learn more on how to "adopt" a bunny.
The $25 annual membership fee is due every 12 months from join date.
There are 2 steps involved in joining our Junior & Teen Bunny Brigade Team.
First, use the JOIN JUNIOR & TEEN BUNNY BRIGADE button below to navigate to our online store. Please select Junior Bunny Brigade, complete the information and pay the one-time initial $25 membership fee that is valid for a one year membership!
Second, once your child/teen decides on how he/she plans to raise their monthly support amount, you have 2 options. You can return to our website, use the SUPPORT US button to set up the monthly support amount ($5 minimum). If you decide to Adopt A Bunny as your monthly support ($25 minimum), please go to the GIVE page and select the Adopt A Bunny page to complete this support! Or, you can bring your monthly support to our quarterly meetings. We understand that it may be easier to bring the monthly support to a meeting.
Monthly support donations may be made on our website, Venmo, Cash App or bring to the meetings.