Millie Breed: Hotot Loves: raspberries and baby carrots Naughty: doesn't share the bunny castle Nice: she's our beautiful & adorable diva Millie came to us from Craigslist when her owner needed to re-home her. She is the princess of her castle and seems to not recognize she is a bunny like the rest. Millie is a little Diva who is a bit shy if she doesn't know you but when she warms up, she enjoys head and ear rubs. With her beautiful blue eyes ringed in black, Millie will convince you she's a princess too!
Willie Breed: Holland Lop Loves: kale and his bond-mate, Poppy Naughty: follows mischievous Poppy into trouble Nice: has super patience and is sweet at visits Willie was adopted from Brother Wolf Animal Rescue in Asheville, NC. We knew immediately we had found a wonderfully sweet bunny for our visits. Willie loves sitting in his pet bed during visits for cuddles, but then is always happy to be reunited with his buddy, Poppy. Willie and Poppy enjoy snuggling together and grooming each other. We are happy to have them so in love!
Poppy Breed: Lionhead mix Loves: her "husbun", Willie and romaine lettuce, cilantro, kale, carrots, strawberries, raspberries, peppers.... Naughty: steals Willie's treats, destroys their cardboard homes and ends up with cardboard pieces all over her fluffy self Nice: cute enough to get way with it all Poppy was adopted from Charlotte Mecklenburg Animal Shelter. We decided to name her after a flower since she was found abandoned in a field. Poppy is often referred to as "the big fluffy one" and has certainly gained a little weight since we adopted her. We think she sneaks Willie's food to help keep up her gorgeous fluffy appearance.
Leo Breed: Lionhead Loves: everyone and being the center of attention Naughty: chews on shoelaces if you stop petting him Nice: always happy to see you Happy Leo was not surprisingly found roaming soccer fields in Charlotte and brought to Carolina Waterfowl Rescue. We are sure he was searching for some people to play with him! While we were building our Bunny Barn, Leo stayed with our volunteer Dianne and quickly won the hearts of her and her husband, Mike. Leo now lives with them and is likely the most spoiled bunny on the planet. He always is happy to travel with Dianne and all the other volunteers and bunnies to make new friends at our events.
Buster Breed: Dutch Loves: his taco bed Naughty: ??? Nice: his big brown eyes make you melt Buster also came to us from Carolina Waterfowl Rescue after he was taken in from a poor situation with lots of neglected animals. Luckily, Buster was in pretty good shape and only needed some fattening up to be healthy for adoption. He is a somewhat shy guy but likes to have his long nose scratched and slowly warms up to gentle attention. Buster is also a favorite in the Bunny Barn and at events because of his sweet demeanor.
Harry Breed: Angora Loves: "nanners"! Naughty: likes the "spicy hay" (phone and computer cords) Nice: gives bunny kisses at bedtime Harry was offered to Bunny Blessings when his previous owner could no longer keep him. He is a beautiful Angora rabbit but Angoras need lots of extra care and grooming. Thankfully, Harry stays with our volunteer, Rita who does an excellent job caring for this high maintenance fella and keeps him looking his furry best!
Gracie Mae Breed: Blue Tort English Lop Loves: excellent bunny scratching Naughty: thinks it's occasionally fun to make huge messes with her pine pellets for volunteers to clean up Nice: was an awesome mama to her 9 babies Gracie Mae is a gorgeous Blue Tort English Lop who was adopted into our program and sneakily brought along her babies. Surprise, surprise, surprise to us when she gave birth to nine wriggling pink babies about a month after she arrived. We fell in love with those precious babies, raised them carefully, had them all spayed/neutered and adopted out into loving homes. We kept one sweet baby, Lucy Lou, so that Gracie wouldn't be lonely. We are quite sure Gracie is anything but lonely with crazy Lucy Lou around! Gracie Mae is sweet as pie and loves to have her long ears petted. She been an amazing addition to our ministry!
Lucy Lou Breed: English Lop crossed with Rhinelander Loves: destroying cardboard boxes and anything else in her path Naughty: how much room is on this website??? Nice: she will always be our baby With one ear up and one ear down, our "baby", Lucy Lou is a fun-loving bundle of energy. Her fur is absolutely gorgeous with its different colors. She is happy being around her mama and even happier stealing her mama's treats. Her favorite motto is "Three for me and one for you!" Lucy seems to especially enjoy interacting with children and they love to watch her crazy antics. We are thankful for the unexpected bunny blessing that is Lucy Lou!
Molly Breed: Netherland Dwarf Loves: playtime zooming around the Bunny Barn Naughty: likes to "bark" at volunteers when she doesn't get her way Nice: tucks perfectly into your arms to be snuggled forever Molly is a gorgeous, chubby Netherland Dwarf who found her way to our ministry when her owners had to relocate and needed a new home for her. Once we saw that adorable heart-shaped nose, we were smitten and made room for her in the Bunny Barn. Molly loves to snuggle and seemed ready to provide bunny cuddle therapy from day one!
Scruffy Breed: Definite Mutt! Some angora and lop mix Loves: people! people! people! Naughty: steals bags of carrots from the fridge Nice: loves to give and receive affection Scruffy came to us from Hoppery Rabbit Sanctuary where he was a personal favorite but the owner knew he would be an incredible therapy bunny because he loves being around people. While we rarely say yes to accepting new bunnies, it was hard to turn him down after seeing his adorable pictures and learning about his sweet personality. So Scruffy came to live in the Bunny Barn and now steals both carrots from the fridge and the hearts of everyone he meets.
Lennon Breed: Holland Lop Loves: destroying cardboard houses! Naughty: won't be still for eager volunteers to take pictures Nice: his blue eyes are stunning Lennon has been known by our nonprofit for a few years as some of our volunteers bunny sat him and fell in love with him. When his family felt they could no longer provide him with the attention he needed, they messaged us to see if he could be part of our ministry. Our familiarity with him led us to quickly say YES! Lennon loves being in the Bunny Barn with his new bunny friends and is happy to play with our volunteers. We hope to eventually bond him to another bunny so he has a friend! Lennon loves having his soft floppy ears scratched and getting treats. He’s living a good life in the Bunny Barn!
Max Breed: Tort Netherland Dwarf Loves: alfalfa snacks Naughty: doesn't cross his little mind Nice: loves BIG! & loves to cuddle Max is our smallest bunny and came to us in spring 2022 from a local family who wanted him to have more attention and free playtime than they were able to provide. Max has quickly gotten used to the good life in the Bunny Barn and is very friendly. He’s quickly adapted to our therapy visits and is a great addition to our ministry. He and Millie have bonded nicely and can be found snuggling on their favorite rug in their favorite box!
Harley Breed: Dutch Loves: everybody Naughty: being an early alarm clock Nice: loves to cuddle & give kisses Harley was rescued by Bunny Blessings volunteers on May 20, 2022 from the Belmont Urgent Vet. Someone found the baby bunny in a dilapidated cage with a wet towel and no food or water. The vet estimates that Harley was about 4 weeks old. Our volunteer brought Harley to the Bunny Barn where he was loved and cared for. Another volunteer fell ears over paws in love and bun-napped Harley to her home where he continues to live the good life. He loves to give kisses and snuggle. He also loves to do zoomies, binkies and crash loudly into things at about 5:30 am each morning. He loves to shop for greens at Aldi, to attend events and share cuddles and kisses with anyone who will hold him! In spite of his tough beginning, he has become a loving addition to the ministry!
Sherlock Breed: Lionhead Loves: his brother Watson Naughty: pulls A LOT of hay into the liter box instead of just eating it! Nice: enjoys being with his brother Sherlock and his brother Watson came to us from our friends at Carolina Waterfowl Rescue. They were saved from a hoarding situation and taken in by a wonderful foster family. Their foster mom says they were very scared when they first arrived but her and her family worked diligently with them to become more social and adoptable. We originally were sharing their posts and trying to help get them adopted, but we finally realized we wanted them for ourselves! These boys are super sweet and love attention. We are so thankful for all the people who pour themselves into situations like this to create such happy endings.
Watson Breed: Lionhead Loves: his brother Sherlock Naughty: pulls A LOT of hay into the liter box instead of just eating it! Nice: loves to snuggle Watson and his brother Sherlock came to us from our friends at Carolina Waterfowl Rescue. They were saved from a hoarding situation and taken in by a wonderful foster family. Their foster mom says they were very scared when they first arrived but her and her family worked diligently with them to become more social and adoptable. We originally were sharing their posts and trying to help get them adopted, but we finally realized we wanted them for ourselves! These boys are super sweet and love attention. We are so thankful for all the people who pour themselves into situations like this to create such happy endings.
Beatrix Breed: Dutch Loves: Buster! Naughty: likes to thump if she doesn't approve of what's happening Nice: swooped in to be Buster's new love and made him happy again Beatrix came to us from Wayward Rabbits Rescue after being abandoned outside with her siblings. They rescued her and cared for her through their foster home program. Beatrix quickly bonded with our handsome Buster who unexpectedly lost his bonded mate a few months earlier. Buster is now "binkying" again and Beatrix is happy with her new "husbun" and forever home. We adore a good love story!
Rexi Breed: Mini-Rex Loves: Attention! Naughty: She's new! Give her time! Nice: She has the SOFTEST fur we've ever touched! Rexi was adopted from our friends at Carolina Waterfowl Rescue after she was surrendered by her previous owners. Rexi is incredibly friendly and loves to play. She’s very active but immediately runs over for pets when she sees anyone. We are so excited to see the faces of our friends at nursing homes, schools and other locations when they touch this beautiful girl!
Interested in "Adopting" a Bunny and joining our fun in sharing God's love?